Erotic stories of ALFREDO PEREIRA
Profile page of ALFREDO PEREIRA. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
ALFREDO PEREIRA wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 35.1K times
After I saw my mother with the dogs I couldn't stand itAFTER I SAW MY MOM WITH THE DOGS... I COULDN'T STAND IT AND... (This story is true.) Today I am 23 years old. My name is Lara. I'm white of German descent, thick thighs, small breasts and virgin pink nipples. I have never had relationships with either men or women. We have two dogs at home: a German shepherd and a German dog (which is huge) and by chance, I decided to bond; have sex with our dogs. This happened a few years ago, when I was very young, just out of puberty and horny. My parents'... reading time 17 mingenreZoophiliawritten on